Submission Guidelines


The Queery Fest submission period for 2022 is closed. The list of 2022 mentees can be found here.

NOTE: The submission window for 2022 will open at 12:01 am EST on 5/25 and will close at 11:59 pm EST on 5/31. During that window, you can submit here:

Your submission will go to the entire team, so you do not need to scour wishlists or narrow your choices. We may contact you at any time for additional materials or further questions.

Mentee selections will be publicized on 7/1 at 12:01 am EST.


Email – required. Double check for accuracy. We will send you a confirmation of submission to this address. You will be allowed to edit your entry throughout the sub window. We will also use this email to contact you throughout the mentor selection process.

Mentee Name – This can your real name or your pen name.

Mentee name to display if different – You can use this field if you want us to publicize a specific name.

Pronouns – Your preferred pronouns.

Twitter username – Your Twitter handle if you have one.

Other social media links – Where else might we find you online (IG, TikTok, FB, etc.).

Website – URL to your website if you have one.

Title – What is the title of your WIP?

Age category – Choose between Adult or YA. This year we are not able to support MG. If you write NA, please choose the closest fit.

Genre – This is your broad genre. If you write something that straddles, such as Fantasy Romance, choose the over-arching genre here. You’ll have a chance to narrow your sub-genre below.

Sub genre – If you’re straddling or write in a subgenre, use this field. It’s open-ended for maximum flexibility. Go nuts.

Word count (rounded to the nearest 10k) – ie. 70,000.

Content warnings – Optional trigger warnings.

Query – This will be exactly like a query you’d send to agents. If you are unsure how to write a query letter, check out resources such as Janet Reid’s QueryShark for guidance. You do not need to personalize. Do include a short bio.

Synopsis – Your synopsis should be roughly 1 page long (in Word) and contain the bare bones plot of your novel. Yes, you should spoil the ending.

First Chapter – Upload your first chapter. If your first chapter is under 5 pages, you can upload an additional chapter. This should be a double-spaced Word doc in standard TNR 12 pt formatting.

You should not submit if your manuscript is not as complete as you can make it on your own. Mentors may request your full soon after you’ve submitted.